sábado, 27 de junio de 2020

The Myth of Freedom and Democracy in the Puerto Rico - United States relationship

The interest of the United States of North America in Puerto Rico is purely economic.  They recycle their monies through this Caribbean island.  Puerto Rico is the fifth world market for USA products.  The maritime freight rates that have been imposed since 1914 through the Foraker Act, cover around 50% of the expenses of the nation’s merchant marine.  Puerto Ricans are made to pay for the illegal sale of bonds that increased their public and partly illegal debt to $73 billion by means of a board appointed by the President of the United States, that receives  exorbitant wages and operating expenses from 'boricuas'*.
United States has always tricked Puerto Ricans to believe that  dependency on them is the only secure survival mode and fear towards self-governance has been promoted by using 'hungry communist' Cuba and Venezuela as examples to neutralize legitimate aspirations of sovereignty.  The United States presentation card proclaims them as the world bastion of freedom and democracy and credits itself with the idea that their wars are to defend those values, when in reality  those interventions and objectives are to snatch greater wealth.  That country has serious problems of corruption, violence, racial discrimination and deprivation of liberties.

    Of such decaying nation, accustomed to the use of lies and 
deceit to accomplish their real goals, some fellow Puerto Ricans aspire to become a part of through statehood. 

*Boricua is a term used as a more patriotic name for Puerto Ricans.  It originates from Borinquen; the native Taino name of the Island.  

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